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Master Settlement Agreement Payments: Understanding What They Are

Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) payments are a type of financial settlement that was reached in 1998 between tobacco companies and state attorneys general in the United States. The MSA was designed to end the litigation brought by states against tobacco companies and to compensate states for the public health costs associated with smoking-related illnesses.

The tobacco companies that agreed to the MSA were required to pay billions of dollars to the states to compensate them for the public health costs associated with smoking. These payments are made on an annual basis and are intended to continue indefinitely.

How Are MSA Payments Calculated?

The MSA payments are calculated based on the volume of cigarettes sold by each tobacco company. The payments are made on a per-pack basis, with each state receiving a certain amount of money for every pack of cigarettes sold in that state.

The amount that each state receives is determined by a formula that takes into account its smoking rates and other factors. The payments are designed to compensate states for the costs of treating smoking-related illnesses and to fund tobacco prevention and cessation programs.

What are the Benefits of MSA Payments?

The MSA payments are an important source of revenue for many states, and they have been used to fund a wide range of public health initiatives. These initiatives include anti-smoking campaigns, healthcare programs, and educational programs designed to prevent smoking among young people.

The MSA payments have also been used to help offset the costs of smoking-related illnesses in the United States. These illnesses include lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease, which are all linked to smoking.


MSA payments are an important source of revenue for many states, and they play a critical role in funding public health initiatives aimed at reducing the harms of smoking. They have also helped to offset the costs of treating smoking-related illnesses in the United States.

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