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The Karachi Agreement, signed between India and Pakistan on 8 April 1949, was a landmark agreement that was aimed at resolving tensions between the two countries. The agreement was signed by the foreign ministers of both countries, Sir Zafrulla Khan and Jawaharlal Nehru, and was named after the city of Karachi, where it was signed.

The agreement was designed to address the contentious issue of the refugees who had been displaced during the Partition of British India in 1947. The agreement provided for the setting up of a commission to oversee the peaceful repatriation of refugees, as well as the return of prisoners of war who were still being held by both countries.

In addition, the Karachi Agreement established a ceasefire line that was to be monitored by a United Nations commission. The line, which was later renamed the Line of Control, divided the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two parts, with India occupying the majority of the state and Pakistan controlling a smaller portion.

The agreement was seen as a major breakthrough in the tense relationship between India and Pakistan, which had been marked by conflict since the Partition in 1947. The Karachi Agreement was followed by other confidence-building measures, such as the establishment of a hotline between the two countries, and the signing of the Simla Agreement in 1972.

Despite these efforts, tensions between India and Pakistan have remained high, particularly over the disputed region of Kashmir. The two countries have fought several wars over the region, most recently in 1999. In recent years, there have been renewed efforts to revive the peace process between India and Pakistan, but progress has been slow.

In conclusion, the Karachi Agreement was a significant step towards resolving the longstanding tensions between India and Pakistan. The agreement established important measures to address the issue of refugees and prisoners of war, as well as the establishment of a ceasefire line. While the agreement did not completely resolve the issues between the two countries, it paved the way for further progress towards peace and stability in the region.